Andrianto. Abstract. 2019. This paper presents the maintenance scheduling of transformer oil inBanaran Substation, Indonesia. Based on data from the annual maintenance oftransformer oil, the value of reliability and availability has decreased. Thefunction of the transformer is important to distribute electricity. If there was afault, it can decrease the reliability of the transformer. One such problem isdamage to the oil Read more


M. ALDY WILDAN MAULANA. RINGKASAN. 2020. Pulau Celagen merupakan salah satu pulau yang termasuk dalam daerah Terdepan, Terluar dan Tertinggal (3T). Agar dapat memajukan perkonomian pulau, diperlukan akses listrik yang baik dan terjangkau. Pada tahun 2013, PT PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) dengan kapasitas 80 kWp untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik pulau. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk Read more

Trip Pattern Impact of Electric Vehicles in Optimized PowerProduction using Orca Algorithm

A.N. Afandi, Abstract. 2024. Power systems are run by combining different energy producers while the demand serves as the system’s energy user and covers all of the non-flexible and flexible loads, including electric vehicles (EVs). This study investigated the trip pattern impact of EVs, utilizing the Orca Algorithm (OA), in optimizing power production, applied to the IEEE-62 bus system as Read more

Optimal Scheduling Power Generations Using HSABC Algorithm Considered A New Penalty Factor Approach

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2014. Scheduling power generations are very important in power system operations to meet various combinations of generating units for providing electric energy in order to operate more economically for supplying power demands. This strategy is able to cover using a combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED) considered pollutant emission and fuel consumption aspects under operational constraints for Read more


Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2014. Sistem tenaga listrik secara praktis dioperasikan dengan menggunakan berbagai variasi kombinasi unit-unit pembangkit, hal ini digunakan untuk memenuhi perubahan permintaan beban pada setiap periode operasi selama 24 jam. Selain itu, strategi ini juga digunakan agar dicapai operasi sistem yang paling ekonomis. Secara umum, operasi ekonomis dapat dilakukan dengan penjadualan komitmen unit pembangkit dengan menerapkan alokasi daya Read more

Solving Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Using Harvest Season Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Considering Food Source Placements and Modified Rates

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2014. This paper presents performances of a harvest season artificial bee colony (HSABC) algorithm for obtaining the best solution of a combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED). Two strategies of placement are applied to IEEE-30 bus system for solving the CEED problem under some constraints. Modified rates and various distances are also used to demonstrate HSABC’s performances. Read more

Emission Standard Effects on CEED ProblemsConsidering Dominant Penalty Factors

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2014. Since the economic power system operation (EPSO) is concerned to decrease the running charges of electric energy with considering the environmental protection for decreasingatmospheric emissions from pollutant productions at thermal power plants, the combinedeconomic and emission dispatch (CEED) problem is helpful to decide the EPSO in financialaspects based on the minimizing total fuel cost and the Read more

Application of Harvest Season Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Economic Load Dispatch of Power System Operation with Pollutant Emissions

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2023. This paper presents an application of Harvest Season Artificial Bee Colony (HSABC) algorithm to solve an Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) of power system operation throughout a Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (CEED) problem. The IEEE-30 bus system is adopted as a sample system for testing the problem. The simulations showed that statistical, numerical, and convergence results Read more

A New Approach Computation for Determining Committed Power Outputs of Economic Power System Operation using HSABC Considering Space Areas

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2023. An economic power system operation (EPSO) can be expressed by a total operating cost. Technically, this payment is presented by individual cost of generating units based on a schedule of committed power outputs (CPOs) to meet a total load demand. Presently, a minimum operating cost is performed by considering an economic dispatch and an emission dispatch, Read more

Multiple Food Sources for Composing Harvest Season Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm on Economic Dispatch Problem

Afandi, A.N. Pendahuluan. 2013. Recent years evolutionary methods are frequent used to solve optimization problems. A novel method of this group is Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm imitated foraging behavior of honeybees in nature [1]. Presently, the important challenges of the ABC are devoted to convergence speed, searching mechanism and real applications [2], [5]. As part of works to improve Read more

A New Approach Computation for Determining Committed Power Outputs of Economic Power System Operation using HSABC Considering Space Areas

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2013. An economic power system operation (EPSO) can be expressed by a total operating cost. Technically, this payment is presented by individual cost of generating units based on a schedule of committed power outputs (CPOs) to meet a total load demand. Presently, a minimum operating cost is performed by considering an economic dispatch and an emission dispatch, Read more

Harvest Season Artificial Bee Colony, Superior Performances on Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch of Power System

Afandi, A.N., Abstract. 2023. A total operating cost of power system operation is one of the most important problem. Technically, this problem  considers fuels and emissions of generating units performed in a Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (CEED) due to a total load demand at a certain time under some constraints. This paper compares the effectiveness of various latest methods Read more

Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Considering Harvest Season for Computing Economic Dispatch on Power System

Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2023. This paper proposes the harvest season artificial bee colony (HSABC) algorithm, a novel improvement of the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, for obtaining an economic dispatch solution of a power system based on fuels consumption and emissions produced. A standard model of the power system, the IEEE-62 bus system, is used to show the performance of Read more


Afandi, A.N. Abstract. 2013. This paper presents a new evolutionary method called in Harvest Season Artificial Bee Colony (HSABC) algorithm for solving constrained problems of Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (CEED). The IEEE-30 bus system is adopted as a sample system for determining the best solutions of the CEED problems considered operational constraints. Running outs of designed programs for the Read more

Membangun Local Area Network BerbasisFreeNAS di UPT SDN Bangilan Pasuruan

Wulandari, Mega Ika Desi. Abstrak. 2010. Memanajemen data untuk kegiatan administrasi sekolah dan pembelajaran siswa di UPT SDN Bangilan Pasuruan diperlukan agar proses administrasi dan pembelajaran di sekolah menjadi teratur, maka dibangun jaringan komputer yang berbasis Network Attached Storage server di ruang tata usaha dan laboratorium komputer. NAS server yang dibangun dengan menggunakan sistem operasi FreeNAS ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan Read more

Membangun Media Pembelajaran melalui Metode Interaktif Netop School Pada SMP Negeri 6 Pasuruan.

Sutiono, Anang. Abstrak. 2009. Pada Proyek Tugas Akhir ini dibuat Media Pembelajaran melalui Metode Interaktif Netop School. Netop School ini berfungsi sebagai media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk menyajikan pembelajaran yang terfokus, efektif, menarik, menyenangkan, dan memiliki daya serap yang tinggi pada Laboratorium Komputer SMP Negeri 6 Pasuruan. Netop   School   adalah   sebuah   program   yang   khusus   di   ciptakan   untuk  membantu  dalam Read more

Membangun E-learning Berbasis Intranet Menggunakan Moodle 1.9.5 di SMA Negeri 1 Sidayu Gresik.

Fahruddin. Abstrak. 2009. Sekian banyak manfaat dalam penerapan jaringan komputer ternyata belum dioptimalkan pada lingkungan pendidikan sekolah menengah atas negeri 1 sidayu gresik. SMA Negeri 1 Sidayu Gresik yang saat ini ditunjuk sebagai rintisan sekolah berstandar internasional perlu dingaun E-learning sebagai penunjang belajar siswa. Dari kemajuan teknologi saat ini, bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk membantu proses belajar mengajar di Read more

Electrode Discharge Optimization in Electrostatic Precipitator Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Alferdo, Anesia. Abstract. 2020. According to the data, air quality in Indonesia is declining due to increasing industries and steam power plants. This increase in population is in line with the increasing demand for electricity and the construction of power plants. Power plant and economic levels can increase of factories in the future. Inefficient configuration of dust capture will reduce Read more

Alat Pengatur Temperatur Udara Ruangan ber-AC dengan Sensor Penghitung Orang

Hadi, Arif Nurul. Abstrak. 2008. Pendingin udara merupakan suatu usaha untuk mengontrol suhu dalam ruangan tertentu sehingga bisa memberikan kenyamanan bagi yang menempati, selain itu pendingin udara juga berfungsi untuk menjaga suhu suatu alat, dalam hal ini peralatan yang rawan terhadap panas yang berada di dalam ruangan tersebut. Selama ini pengguna menaikkan atau menurunkan temperatur ruangan dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia. Read more

Perancangan Ulang Instalasi Listrik Gedung G5 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Hariyanto, Muhammad. Abstrak. 2008. Penggunaan energi listrik di gedung tidak lepas dari instalasi listrik yang terpasang. Agar kontinyuitas dan resiko terjadinya hubung singkat, kebakaran akibat listrik dapat diminimalkan perlu adanya evaluasi dan perancangan ulang. Perancangan ulang instalasi bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran instalasi sesungguhnya yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini dikarenakan tiap ruangan yang digunakan berubah menuntut kebutuhan, dan diperlukanya tindakan pemeriksaan dan Read more