Trip Pattern Impact of Electric Vehicles in Optimized Power Production using Orca Algorithm

Power systems are run by combining different energy producers while the demand serves as the system’s energy user and covers all of the non-flexible and flexible loads, including electric vehicles (EVs). This study investigated the trip pattern impact of EVs, utilizing the Orca Algorithm (OA), in optimizing power production, applied to the IEEE-62 bus system as a model. Considering one-way Read more

Orca Algorithm

This is the Orca Algorithm, process and principle, that can apply to optimized problems.

HSABC Algorithm

Random walks are important for mimicking erratic movements which applying to a randomly chosen current location moves to a new selected destination. In nature, bees randomly move when foraging for foods from a selected current food source to positions corresponding to nectar amounts. Colonies of honeybees can extend over long distances and in multiple directions simultaneously in order to exploit Read more