Frequency and Voltage Stability Analysis of Load Variations Using the IEEE-14 Bus System Model

Nugroho, Muhammad Catur. Abstract. 2024. Electrical energy is included in primary needs which plays a role in supporting production activities for industrial consumers and supporting consumer activities in the household environment. Currently, it cannot be denied that all people on earth cannot be separated from electrical energy. Therefore, a stable electricity system is needed on an ongoing basis. This research aims to determine the effect of loading on frequency and voltage stability in the electrical system. This is seen from changes in frequency and voltage response after load variations occur. What differentiates this research from other research is that it uses the IEEE-14 bus system for frequency and voltage stability analysis. It is hoped that this research will help identify how load variations affect frequency and voltage stability in the electrical system. The design in this research begins by creating a line diagram of the IEEE-14 Bus system using ETAP software. Next, testing is carried out using a simulation that contains 6 conditions, namely an additional load of 5% of the total load on the bus, an additional load of 10% of the total load on the bus, and an additional load of 15% of the total load on the bus. Where for each additional load there are 2 simulation conditions, namely additional load on 2 load buses which have a voltage rating of 89 kV and 20 kV. After that you will see the frequency response and voltage on the bus. The research results show that there are fluctuations in frequency and voltage when load variations occur. The magnitude of the increase in load is directly proportional to the magnitude of the decrease in frequency and voltage. The greater the additional load, the higher the decrease in frequency and voltage, conversely, the smaller the additional load, the lower the decrease in frequency and voltage that occurs. Reducing the load does not cause fluctuations in frequency or voltage and makes the frequency and voltage stable or in a normal state.