Studi Analisis Perkiraan Sisa Umur Transformator DistribusiJaringan 20 KV Akibat Beban Lebih Menggunakan Metode Montsinger di PenyulangPoper PT.PLN (Persero) UP3 Ponorogo.

Setyawan, Arinsyah Fatih. Abstrak. 2024. Transformator distribusi memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menyuplai aliran listrik ke masyarakat. Pada jaringan 20 kV, transformator distribusi berfungsi sebagai pengubah tegangan listrik dari tegangan listrik tinggi ke rendah untuk didistribusikan ke konsumen. Dengan meningkatnya permintaan akan kebutuhan listrik transformator distribusi sering beroperasi diatas kapasitas yang telah ditentukan, mengakibatkan beban berlebih yang mempengaruhi umur Read more


Fu’ad, Ahmad Jauharul. Ringkasan. 2024. Beban tidak seimbang merupakan salah satu masalah yang terjadi pada trafo distribusi. Semakin besar ketidakseimbangan beban suatu trafo, maka trafo tersebut akan mengalami beban lebih (overload) satu fasa, hal ini dikarenakan semakin besarnya arus yang mengalir pada salah satu fasa pada trafo tersebut (Patilima, 2022). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif yaitu dengan cara Read more

Forum Diskusi Pemahaman Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Unit Layanan Terpadu

Berbagi pengalaman optimalisasi layanan keterbukaan informasi publik dengan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (Unijoyo). Kegiatan yang digelar melalui Forum Diskusi Pemahaman Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Unit Layanan Terpadu ini digelar di Hotel Swiss Bell Surabaya, Rabu, 18 September 2024. Acara ini dihadiri oleh para Pimpinan dan para pengelola layanan informasi publik dilingkungan Unijoyo.

Sinkronisasi Program Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Vokasi

Berbagi tips dengan Balai Besar Pengembangan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Vokasi Bidang Otomotif dan Elektronika (BBPPMPV BOE) Malang, 13 September 2024 di Wyndham Hotel Surabaya. Dalam acara yang dikemas melalui Workshop Sinkronisasi Program Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Vokasi tersebut, UM membagikan pengalaman serta tips dalam menjadi badan publik yang informatif. Acara ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan informasi publik Read more

Trip Pattern Impact of Electric Vehicles in Optimized Power Production using Orca Algorithm

Power systems are run by combining different energy producers while the demand serves as the system’s energy user and covers all of the non-flexible and flexible loads, including electric vehicles (EVs). This study investigated the trip pattern impact of EVs, utilizing the Orca Algorithm (OA), in optimizing power production, applied to the IEEE-62 bus system as a model. Considering one-way Read more

Orca Algorithm

This is the Orca Algorithm, process and principle, that can apply to optimized problems.

HSABC Algorithm

Random walks are important for mimicking erratic movements which applying to a randomly chosen current location moves to a new selected destination. In nature, bees randomly move when foraging for foods from a selected current food source to positions corresponding to nectar amounts. Colonies of honeybees can extend over long distances and in multiple directions simultaneously in order to exploit Read more

Frequency and Voltage Stability Analysis of Load Variations Using the IEEE-14 Bus System Model

Nugroho, Muhammad Catur. Abstract. 2024. Electrical energy is included in primary needs which plays a role in supporting production activities for industrial consumers and supporting consumer activities in the household environment. Currently, it cannot be denied that all people on earth cannot be separated from electrical energy. Therefore, a stable electricity system is needed on an ongoing basis. This research Read more


In general, Atlantic salmon is one of the fish species which is the most popular known in the world and this salmon is also one of the largest salmon species. In addition, this salmon has amazing ability while tracking over rapids and low waterfalls during reaching a spawning habitat. Naturally, salmon life cycles cover in terms of eggs & slevins, Read more

Thunderstorm Algorithm

The lightning is considered as an atmospheric discharge during thunderstorms or other possibility factors produced by several steps in terms of Charge separation; Leader formation; and Discharge channel. The lightning process is also defined as an electric discharge in the form of a spark in a charged cloud that the negative and positive charges are deployed at different positions where Read more