Executive Summary ASTA

Artificial Salmon Tracking Algorithm (ASTA) is inspired by the migration of Salmon fish. A salmon life history can be illustrated using a natural behavior in terms of spawning fish and returning from the ocean. This amazing ability is performed while tracking over rapids and low waterfalls during reaching a spawning habitat. The downstream and upstream mechanisms run in the moving Read more

Webinar Duren

This webinar explores the EV in Indonesia coming from research activities to technical implementation.

Webinar AIE

The webinar will cover Energy Efficiency in smart buildings through IoT sensor integration which is delivered by Prof. Saifur Rahman (IEEE Life Fellow).

SPAES Recruitment

SPAES is a research center that collaborated with many partners in their expertise in power, energy, control, communication, and other systems. Basis kegiatan dari SPAES diarahkan pada pengembangan riset, publikasi, training, dan lainnya yang terkait. Open recruitment berakhir 30 Maret 2021. Daftar: https://bit.ly/SPAES_recruitment


Kuliah Selasa 9 Februari 2021, KAPITA SELEKTA dan TRANSPORTASI LISTRIK melalui SIPEJAR, dan Rabu 10 Februari 2021 untuk SCADA dilakukan juga menggunakan SIPEJAR, serta akses group kuliah yang ada. Tugas atau Test akan diinformasikan melalaui SIPEJAR dan domain terkait.