Textbook Development Of Nuclear Power For Hydroelectric Courses In Electrical Engineering Department Of Stanford University

Fauzi, Ahmad Rifan. Abstract. 2017. Limitations of students in search of reference and lack of learning resources that are utilized in the learning process, causing the students can’t get a maximum of feedback on the learning process takes place. It is corroborated by several reasons including yet the presence of the reinforcement in the process of learning to take place. Electric power generation is one of the matakuliah program in the Department of electrical engineering which learn about types of electricity generation: PLTA ((Water Power Plant), PLTU (Steam Power Plant), PLTD (Diesel Power Plant), PLTS (Solar Power Plant), PLTGU (Gas-Steam Power Plant), PLTN (Nuclear Power Plants), PLTPB (Plant Geothermal power), dan PLTB (power station Bayu). In this research is limited to nuclear power plants (PLTN). The next student and do not have the manual reference textbook in learning process. The purpose of the creation of this research is to facilitate students in acquiring material in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to design, develop, and test the feasibility of the textbook PLTN for the matakuliah nuclear power plant (PLTN) for matakuliah power plant of Electrical Engineering Department of Stanford University. As for the methods used in this development namely, ADDIE model with 5 stages, namely: (1) Analysis (analisis), (2) Design (desain), (3) Development (pengembangan), (4) Implementation (implementase) ,dan(5) Evaluatio (evaluasi). The result of the development of the textbook, which consists of text, images, concept map, a formative test, conclusion, bibliography, and glossary have been validated by the Professors of electrical engineering Stanford University Master of business kepembangkitan and tested to undergraduate students of electrical engineering education 2015 force offering A and B. Test validation of the textbook use deployment question form. The results of the spread now that has been done in the textbook is declared valid, so worthy of being used as a source of reference to study the power plant. It is supported through results percentage of validation by the two validators of 81.88% was the result of validari media and 81.25%, the results of the validation tests of small groups of 82.67%, and the results of validation testing large groups namely 79.64%. The percentage of it can be said that the product be used textbook or worthy if used as reverensi materials as a learning or power plants.