BERDINA AMELIA WANDANSARI. ABSTRACT. 2015. Internet generally is helpful in doing anything, one of them is facilitating an educator in the learning process in classroom and outside the classroom. Although for the moment in Indonesia there are still some places that still unreached by the internet network. Almost in all places of education in Indonesia, internet network already exists even in remote place. The purpose of this research are (1) to describe the level of utilization the internet for learning process on Department of Informatics Engineering at Vocational High School in Probolinggo; (2) to describe the effectiveness of utilization the internet for learning process on Department of Informatics Engineering at Vocational High School in Probolinggo; (3) to describe the frequency of utilization the internet as source of learning and instructional media on Department of Informatics Engineering at Vocational High School in Probolinggo; (4) to describe the level of satisfaction of the internet usage for learning process on Department of Informatics Engineering at Vocational High School in Probolinggo; and (5) to describe the attitude of student when using the internet on Department of Informatics Engineering at Vocational High School in Probolinggo. This research used quantitative approach by spreading questionnaire with proportional random sampling methods, then the result of the questionnaire analyzed in descriptive methods. Data will be presented in the form of tables, graphics, and narration. The populations in students of X of Vocational High School in Probolinggo.  The results showed that (1) the level of utilization of the internet was 63,23 percent (very high category); (2) 58,82 percent of student utilize the internet effectively (very high category); (3) frequency of internet usage was 41,17 percent (high category); (4) 54,41 percent of student was satisfy when using the internet (high category); and (5) attitude of the student when using the internet was 44,11 percent (very high category). In conclusion: the utilization of the internet in learning process on Department of Informatics Engineering at Vocational High School in Probolinggo is in range high to very high category.