Development of Learning Media such as Industrial Control Trainer Based on Omron PLC CP1L-40 I/O for S1 Students of Electrical Engineering Education, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang

Atmadi, Agus Tri. Abstract. 2015. One of the competencies that must be mastered by the teachers are
developing learning media. The most problem are faced in the learning process of
Workshop PLC is lack of PLC trainer for controlling industrial machines (for
motor control). The purpose of this development are (1) to produce a learning
media such as industrial control trainer based on PLC Omron CP1L-40 I/O with
worklab module and (2) to test the feasibility of trainer media are developed.
Research and development models using Sugiyono’s model. The product of
learning media such as industrial control trainer based on PLC Omron CP1L-40
I/O with worklab module. The product consist of some components that is PLC
Omron CP1L-M40DR-A, 24 switchs, 16 pilot lamps, 4 contactors, 3 seven
segments, and power supply 24 V DC. The trial for media expert, content expert, and S1 students of Electrical Engineering Education, Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of
Malang already taking courses for the subjects of Workshop PLC. This trial
implemented for to know feasibility level of trainer media. Result of the trial from
media expert is 88,46%, content expert is 87,78%, product testing is 92% by 10
respondents, operational field testing 91,9% by 40 respondents. Based on the trial
results, the product industrial control trainer based on PLC Omro CP1L-40 I/O
and worklab module are very feasible for practice learning media at Department
of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang.