Electrode Discharge Optimization in Electrostatic Precipitator Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Alferdo, Anesia. Abstract. 2020. According to the data, air quality in Indonesia is declining due to increasing industries and steam power plants. This increase in population is in line with the increasing demand for electricity and the construction of power plants. Power plant and economic levels can increase of factories in the future. Inefficient configuration of dust capture will reduce air quality or not comply with the provisions of the PERATURAN MENTERI LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DAN KEHUTANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR P.15/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/4/2019. For this problem, this new method is expected to increase the efficiency of Electrode Discharge in the Electrostatic Precipitator. Cathode Release settings on the Electrostatic Precipitator utilizing Molecule Multitude Advancement. Utilize a few factors from the apparatuses and a few factors in Molecule Multitude Advancement. Information sources are voltage, cathode separation, and residue molecule size on the Precipitator Electrostatic Terminal Release. The hypothetical premise utilized is the law of  Stokes. Based on the analysis of simulation experiment data results obtained the use of Particle swarm optimization can increase the percentage of dust capture efficiency. From the results of modelling simulation experiments, the average efficiency increased by 0.419% for unit 1 in the smallest dust particle size category and increased by 0.0201% for unit 2 in the smallest dust particle size category with efficiency in the use of particle swarm optimization exceeding the specified efficiency standards. With the most relevant results using 1000 iterations and 100 particles with a yield of 58.801 kV voltage, cathode distance 206 mm and large dust particles 144 μm.